Sunday, September 20, 2009
Cane Creek and Dona's Bow to open bluegrass concert tonight
The Bluegrass concert of the year will take place in the McGough Arena tonight with The Travelin McCourys and Tony Rice headlining the show, with Cane Creek from Fairview and Dona's Bow from Asheville opening the concert. Doors will open at 5:30, with music beginning at 6. Admission for the concert is only $5 and the show is INDOORS!!! Paved parking and fair admission of $5 in addition to concert ticket make this show a bargain!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Don't be sheepish--Come on out to the fair!

A great Saturday and Sunday in store to wrap-up the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair, with tons to see and do despite the damp weather. Come see the animals, eat some great tasty food, check out the exhibits, visit with the crafters in the new Virginia Boone Mountain Heritage Center and more. Visit for the complete schedule. And don't forget the bluegrass concert of the year tomorrow night when The Travelin McCourys and Tony Rice take the stage at 7:30 for an amazing $5!
Friday, September 18, 2009
A fabulous Friday at the fair
Don't let a little rain put a damper on your 2009 NC Mountain State Fair plans! Today is Senior Citizen Day with seniors getting in free all day. And if you like to ride---make plan to be here tonight from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for the Friday Night Stampede when admission and unlimited rides are just $18. There's plenty to see indoors, with the two new buildings full of arts, crafts, competitive exhibits, flowers and more. Visit for more!
Hyatt tribute a moving experience...

Last night's bluegrass jam session in honor of Ms. Neila Hyatt was a "moving" experience in every sense of the word. Ms. Hyatt has been hosting an open session at her house in Asheville for more than half a century, and last night she brought that session to the Mountain State Fair. Dozens of musicians and fans showed up to pay tribute to a lady who has done so much for bluegrass, and music in general, in western North Carolina. Right away it was easy to see just how many people have been affected by her generosity, from musicians who have formed bands after meeting at her house to those who have found refuge in the fellowship shared each Thursday with Ms. Hyatt. And once the music started, it wasn't long before people in the audience started moving their feet. There were covers of bluegrass classics and original material written especially for the occasion. On stage, people came and went with instruments in hand, and many shared their fond memories and appreication for Ms. Hyatt. It was both an inspiring and entertaining event.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What a special Thursday!!!
Combine one-price rides (wristbands) with a great gospel concert (33 Miles)and a killer bluegrass jam session on the Mountain Music Stage from 7-9 and you've got a great night of fair fun at the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair!
Wristbands are only $18, fair admission is only $5 and the 33 Miles concert is only $5 too. And the bluegrass jam is free!
More information at
Wristbands are only $18, fair admission is only $5 and the 33 Miles concert is only $5 too. And the bluegrass jam is free!
More information at
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bring five cans, get in free!!!
Today is Ingles Day at the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair. Bring five cans of Laura Lynn brand canned food and exchange them for a free gate ticket. All the food collected goes to MANNA Food Bank to fight hunger in western NC.
Randy Houser in concert tonight w/opening act
Come on out to the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair this evening for a great evening of music. Doors will open at 5:30 in the McGough Arena with Lee Travis and the Bounty Hunters opening for Randy Houser. And all this for just $5 plus your fair admission of $5 or less. And tonight begins the bluegrass band competition on the Mountain Music Stage from 7-9.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Jake Owen in concert tonight!!! (9/15)
Join the NC Mountain State Fair and KISS Country as we welcome Jake Owen to the stage tonight for a great 7:30 show. Doors open at 6:30 with all seats general admission for only $5. What a deal!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Transformation complete!

Okay, so truth is I owe you one. I was supposed to post a photo yesterday of the midway with all the rides and vendors setup. Well, trust me, I wanted to but yesterday was a hectic day. So today I bring you the final photograph of transformation experiment. Here is a photo of the midway from today. It's pretty busy down there. The weather is great and it's the weekend. What other reason do you need to come to the fair. In an attempt to make it up to you, I also included a photo of the midway from the chairlift. Enjoy!
Friday, September 11, 2009
We're Open!!!!
Come on over, the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair is open and ready for your visit. Check out for a complete schedule.
It's a bird, it's a's a human cannonball
Growing up, lots of children take on the hobbies of their parents. David Smith, Jr. is no different, except his father was a human cannonball. As a pair, the father-son duo has broken the World Record for longest human cannonball launch five different times.
As a second-generation human cannonball, David travels across the country for the last 11 years breaking records, drawing gasps and defying gravity. He's been featured on CNN, Jay Leno and NPR. You can see David "The Bullet" Smith all week at the Mountain State Fair, and see his cannon, the fifth one he and his father have built and used.
He'll make the jump both Saturdays and Sunday at 3, 6 and 8 p.m., and during the week Monday through Friday he'll perform at 6 and 8 p.m. IYou can find his cannon near the Cyclone ride on the Midway, and you'll spot his blue net right near by. caught his very first lunch tonight on camera, so check out his launch, his landing and his special tradition of kissing the ground after each safe landing.

As a second-generation human cannonball, David travels across the country for the last 11 years breaking records, drawing gasps and defying gravity. He's been featured on CNN, Jay Leno and NPR. You can see David "The Bullet" Smith all week at the Mountain State Fair, and see his cannon, the fifth one he and his father have built and used.
He'll make the jump both Saturdays and Sunday at 3, 6 and 8 p.m., and during the week Monday through Friday he'll perform at 6 and 8 p.m. IYou can find his cannon near the Cyclone ride on the Midway, and you'll spot his blue net right near by. caught his very first lunch tonight on camera, so check out his launch, his landing and his special tradition of kissing the ground after each safe landing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Less than 24 hours away...

As promised, here is the third photo from the transformation experiment. You may not be able to see a huge difference, but take my word for it, alot has been done in the last 24 hours. The rain slowed setup down slightly, so crews will probably be working late into the night to have things ready for tomorrow morning. Check back tomorrow for the final photo which will show the midway completely set up and hopefully full of people.
Cakes and crafts and watermelons, oh my
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Setup really begins to pick up...

Here is picture number two of my fair transformation experiment. This photo was taken around 7 pm today, almost 24 hours after yesterday's first photo. You can see the midway has really started to fill up with rides and vendors. Just to the right of the Ferris wheel you can see a crane setting up a ride brought in today. You can't tell from the photo, but the chairlift was in operation when I took the shot as well. Off in the distance, you can see some ominous clouds looming. Yesterday's shot had a similar background. We've had quite a few showers these past couple of days, and today we were hit hard by some of the storms that blew across western NC. One of the trees outside our office was even struck lightning. It was the loudest and shortest boom I've ever heard, and the light that came through the blinds was "electric". Pardon the pun. Check back for tomorrow's picture.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Watch the fair take shape...

After riding through the fairgrounds yesterday afternoon and seeing some of the rides, food vendors, and tents take their places, I had the idea to take a picture of the grounds from the same spot over the next three days in order to see the transformation that takes place in the next 72 hours. Here is the first one. You can see some of the rides, such as the Ferris wheel, are already assembled and in place. Others are still mounted on the trailers that brought them, waiting their turn. I wish I could have taken a picture a week or two earlier so that you would be able to see the grounds before any rides or tents had been erected, but this shot along with the ones to follow should be able to give you a good idea of just how much of change takes place in the days leading up to the fair.
Handicraft, veggie entries pour in for judging
The Fair doesn't start until Friday (although tickets are on sale now), but things are already hopping in the new Exposition Building. That's where artists, quilters, bakers, gardeners and crafters are dropping off their competitive entries to be judged. Check out a few behind-the-scenes shots below, and be sure to stop by this huge display during the Fair.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Marshall Mike returns to the Mountain State Fair
Marshall Mike has fired up his trusty "Quarter Horse" and ridden back into the picture for the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair. Look for Marshall Mike around the fairgrounds all 10 days of the fair. And look for his trusty steed to be corralled in the new Expo Building. You can see all of Marshall Mike's TV commercials on the fair's website under the Media tab. Thanks Marshall Mike!!!
T minus one week and counting!!!

The 2009 NC Mountain State Fair opens next Friday, Sept. 11---got your tickets??? You can buy discounted advance gate and ride tickets at all western NC Ingles stores (and a few in the Upstate)and at the WNC Ag Center and WNC Farmers Market offices through Thursday, 9/10. Save 50% on ride tickets in advance, and save on gate tickets, too. Check out for a complete schedule!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Going "Dutch" at the Mountain State Fair

When was the last time you dragged out the cast iron Dutch oven and cooked in it? How about took it camping and baked biscuits or apple cobbler in a campfire? Come get a lesson on Dutch oven cooking from Rusty, the Chuckwagon cowboy each day of the fair. Rusty will three or four presentations each day on the cowboy way of life from his chuckwagon, and one of those will be a Dutch oven cooking class. Maybe you can convince the "griller" in your family to come find out how to cook more than meat on the grill.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ordering Advance Tix online??? Final days approaching!!!

If you're into e-commerce and want to order your advance sale, discounted gate and ride tickets using our secure web site, the clock is ticking!!! You can order on-line through Monday, August 31. After that, you can make a trip to any Ingles store, the WNC Farmers Market or the WNC Ag Center to buy tickets through Sept. 10. Ride tix are half-price in advance, and gate tix are discounted, too. So like Marshall Mike says, "Giddy-up Y'all and get those discount tickets now!"
Friday, August 21, 2009
Mountain Heritage preserved at the Fair

If you thought the fair was only wild rides, funnel cakes, and farm animals, then take a second look. Western North Carolina mountain heritage is bountiful at the Mountain State Fair and nowhere is that more evident than with our arts and crafts and competitive exhibits. Take some time to browse the vendors in the new log cabin building and you’ll see an assortment of beautifully hand crafted items from jewelry to rugs. And so much of what you’ll see is representative of western NC culture and history and made by local artisans.
When you finish with the arts and crafts, be sure to check out all of the competitive exhibits in the new livestock exhibition building. With competitions in categories such as photography, clothes, painting, quilting, wood carving, and horticulture products, you’re sure to find something that catches your eye. My personal favorites are the giant vegetables and the wood carvings. And I guarantee that you’ll be amazed by the talent that exists in western North Carolina, especially from our younger participants.
So this year at the fair, be sure to take full advantage of everything the fair has to offer. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Casey Allen, Media Specialist
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It's a Stampede!!!

Late-night fun returns to the 2009 N.C. Mountain State Fair on the second Friday of the fair, Sept. 18, when the Friday Night Stampede kicks off at 9 p.m. and runs until 1 a.m. This special admission event will feature unlimited rides and gate admission for only $18. Fairgoers may also purchase regular admission and ride tickets during this timeframe as well.
More information on the fair and the Friday Night Stampede is available at Tickets for the Stampede will only be available the night of the 18th at all fair entrances.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Remember Babe Malloy's Drive-In???

Such an important part of the fair every year is food. Each year patrons flock to the WNC Ag Center to satisfy their cravings for deep fried, hmm, well, just about deep fried anything. Or maybe it’s ribbon fries, or corn dogs, or giant turkey legs they seek. Either way, they come hungry.
Well, that’s the great thing about the fair. There is plenty of food to go around, and there’s lots to choose from too. In addition to the hot dogs, burgers, pizza, and fries, you’ll find authentic Greek, Cajun and Mexican dishes, emu burgers, edible bread bowl soups, gourmet coffee, homemade ice cream, and even homemade sodas (you’ve got to try the cream soda).
And this year you can even get a classic chipped ham sandwich—longtime Buncombe County residents will remember these from Babe Malloy’s drive-in. Ahh, the good ole’ days.
So the most important thing to remember when coming to this year’s Mountain State Fair better come hungry! Because in order to enjoy the full fair experience, you gotta eat the food. I know I will. See you there. Casey Allen, Media Specialist
Babe Malloy's chipped ham,
deep fried,
turkey legs
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Where's the beef? (cooking contest, that is)

One of my favorite things at the Mountain State Fair is the cooking competitions. I don’t know if it’s because of the creative cooks we have in western NC that whip up some unbelievable dishes or if it’s just because I like to eat so much. But one contest to keep your eye on this year is the NC Cattleman’s Beef Council Recipe Contest.
I’m excited about it for a couple of reasons. One, it’s new to the fair this year. All the usual suspects are back including Spam and North Carolina pork, blueberries, pecans, apples, and eggs, but this is the first time we’ve had beef (at least that I’m aware of). Two, although I enjoy a nice juicy steak, I rarely get to eat beef, mostly because my wife doesn’t eat red meat. So I’m excited to see what sizzling dishes our participants create, especially since I know how good our cooks are in the mountains and I’ve seen and tasted their creativity myself. So who knows what we’ll see. The contest is open to any kind of beef in any kind of dish, as long as its “quick and easy” and the main ingredient is beef.
And here’s a tip for anyone interested in entering the beef recipe contest, or any recipe contest for that matter...check out to see if there is a farmer near you who grows or raises the ingredients you need. Good luck to everyone who decides to participate. My mouth is watering already! Casey Allen, Media Specialist
cooking contest,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Would you recognize a band organ???
When Drew Expositions brings the carnival midway to the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair, they'll bring a completely renovated band organ that occupies a full tractor trailer. This Ruth & Sohn pipe band organ, made in Germany in 1892, is a treat for the eyes and ears. While it's playing, listen for the organ, drums, cymbals, whistles and other instruments sound off while figurines dance and twirl to the music.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Shhhhh---I have a secret!!!!

There's a great competition that most fairgoers miss each year due to the competition site. It's the llama competitions held in the covered ring behind the McGough Arena on the opening weekend of the fair. The llama competitions start on Saturday morning 9/12 at 9 a.m. and continue most of the day. They resume on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. This is a Level II ALSA show and a southeast regional qualifier, so look for llamas from multiple states in competition. A total of $6,000 in prize money will be up for grabs. So do a little trekking down the hill behind the McGough Arena and see these magnificent animals!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday Night Stampede to Return in 2009

We all know Friday nights in September are high school football nights. So we've brought back a special event for you football fans!!! Welcome back Friday Night Stampede on Friday, Sept. 18th only from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. And $18 not only gets you unlimited rides, it gets you in the gate, too! Buy your Stampede tickets that night and "ride like you mean it!" If you're not a rider, regular fair admission rates are still available during that time frame.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Limited Commercial Space Still Available!!!

Do you have a unique product you'd like to show and sell to 200,000 of your neighbors? We've got a little inside and outside commercial space still left to rent for the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair. Sorry, no food concession spaces left, though. Contact Cathy Pressley at (828) 687-1414 x 220 or
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Can you smell the cotton candy?
The buildings are getting so close to being ready, it's almost like as soon as they're ready we'll be ready to open the gates and have a great fair! Two new buidlings, the renovated livestock sales arena, the return of the chairlift and Drew Exposition. WOW!!!!
Advance sale discounted tickets are on sale now at the WNC Ag Center office and the WNC Farmers Market office. And to make it super simple, beginning August 1 you can stop by area Ingles Stores and get the same deals!!! And if you want to save your gas money, you can do it all on-line at our secure website at!
T-minus 56 days and counting!!!
In the Broadway show "The Music Man," one of the cutest songs is "The Wells Fargo Wagon is-a Coming." Picture that young boy looking down the midway of the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair and seeing the chairlift circling the midway again for the first time since 2001. We all may be yammering and sputtering trying to express our excitement just like he did singing about the Wells Fargo Wagon "bringing something special just for me!"
You can use your ride tickets this year to cruise leisurely over the crowds in the charilift or simply navigate from the bottom to the top of the fair. And you can save money on this and every ride when you buy ride tickets for half-price in advance at the Ag Center, the WNC Farmers Market or beginning 8/1 at Ingles.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mountain State Fair Concert line-up announced

We haven't publicized this so it will be our little secret, right? Coming to the concert stage in McGough Arena at the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair will be country star Jake Owen on Tuesday night (9/15). Look for another country star Randy Houser on Wednesday evening (9/16)and gospel group 33 Mile on Thursday (9/17). Wrapping up the concert series on Sunday night (9/20) will be bluegrass stars The Travelin McCourys with special guest Tony Rice. Tickets for all the shows are just $5, general admission. Keep an eye on the MSF website ( for ticket sales information. The entertainment bargain of the year!!! Come discover "When the West was Fun!"
33 mile,
jake owen,
randy houser,
tony rice,
travelin mccourys
Continuing the improvements!!!

Visitors to the WNC Ag Center will see a new "landscape" of sorts with two new buildings and a renovated Livestock sales building in 2009. Good weather has allowed crews to proceed with these projects on target, and we're excited about opening them at the Mountain State Fair! The Arts and Crafts Building is nearing completion, the steel frame on the Exposition Building is nearly complete, and renovations to the Livestock Sales Arena are almost done. Woo-hoo!!!
Register your entries on-line in 2009
NEW for '09!!
Make Your Entry On-Line!
Fill out entry forms online and not have to worry about mailing them.
You will create a unique login name and password Then you can login anytime to view your information and make adjustments. It's easy and secure.
Go to:
Make Your Entry On-Line!
Fill out entry forms online and not have to worry about mailing them.
You will create a unique login name and password Then you can login anytime to view your information and make adjustments. It's easy and secure.
Go to:
Friday, May 15, 2009
It looks almost finished!!!

What a gorgeous building this is! The new Arts and Crafts Building at the WNC Ag Center is nearing completion and what a valuable asset it will be during the Mountain State Fair and also during non-fair times. The building will house the artisans carrying the Appalachian arts traditions forward during the fair, and will be available to rent to community groups, businesses and individuals during the rest of the year!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bluegrass tribute coming Thursday, 9/17 to Mountain State Fair

There's a special bluegrass event that happens on Thursday nights in Asheville on Brevard Road, just a stone's throw from the WNC Farmers' Market. It's bluegrass night at the Hyatt's, where pickers and singers gather in the "music house" built out back.
We've lost Mr. Hyatt to the heavenly bluegrass band, and we want to say thank you to Mrs. Neila Hyatt, so we're moving the Hyatt Bluegrass night to the Mountain State Fair for one night, Thursday, September 17th at the Heritage Stage at the fair.
We'll have a brand new arts and crafts building in Heritage Circle this year, so it's a great time to say thank you to the Hyatts and celebrate their devotion to the preservation of bluegrass music in the Asheville area.
Picking and singing will start about 7 p.m., and the fair closes at midnight. Who knows how long the music will last! Bring your instrument, just like you would to the Hyatt's. We'll have professional sound set on the stage with plenty of room for everyone.
Mark your calendars for this special night!!! There's no telling who might show up.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
And the buildings move closer to completion
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2009 Premium Book now available on-line

Get a jump on the competition and review the 2009 competitive categories for the Mountain State Fair by accessing the new catalog from Some of the entry forms are new, and places to deliver many of the competition products will change for 2009 with completion of the new buildings.
Entry forms, a revised map of the fairgrounds, rules, prizes and more are included in this book. Start planning now on how to win blue ribbons and cash at the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair!
Another step closer to completion

The Arts and Crafts Building has a floor, and the steel work should be finished this week. Weather permitting, there may be some logs going up next week.
We've broken ground on the new livestock building and the contractor is working on the foundation now. All the competitive exhibits that were housed in the Davis Arena will move to this new building this year, along with the Flower and Garden Show.
One side benefit of these two new buildings is the addition of more permanent rest room facilities that will be available to all fairgoers.
We've broken ground on the new livestock building and the contractor is working on the foundation now. All the competitive exhibits that were housed in the Davis Arena will move to this new building this year, along with the Flower and Garden Show.
One side benefit of these two new buildings is the addition of more permanent rest room facilities that will be available to all fairgoers.
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